Blog Posts

Health Cost Averaging – Your Best Investment Strategy

Health Cost Averaging

After four years of chemical engineering training in college, four more of medical school, one year of internship, and four more years of residency, I have spent the majority of my adulthood learning about science, the human body, medicine, and…
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Misguided Medicine: Second Edition

Misguided Medicine

I’m happy to announce that the Second Edition of Misguided Medicine is a #1 New Release on Amazon! Originally released in August 2014 as a passion project of mine in line with my fields of medical research and specialization, Misguided Medicine –…
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Breast Cancer and Salt – Can Reducing Salt Increase our Risk?

Breast Cancer and Salt

There is little to no data on a connection between breast cancer and salt. Sugar, on the other hand, has been shown to be associated with breast cancer, and in my recent posts (here and here) I have been keying in…
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Breast Cancer and Sugar – Another Smoking Gun

Breast Cancer and Sugar

“Sugar feeds cancer.” We have all heard this a million times, yet what exactly do we do with this information? As data continue to accumulate, this question will eventually be answered with certainty. In fact, new data linking breast cancer…
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