Blog Posts

If Society Was a Patient

While seeing a new breast cancer patient, I always ask myself what would I do in this situation. If this was my wife, what would I suggest? Similarly, I often ask myself on a larger scale how I would treat…
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Shut Your Brain off Periodically, Before it Shuts off Permanently

As the 1970’s approached, creativity researcher George Land set out to investigate how creativity changes as we age. The study, funded by NASA, tested children aged 3-5 on creativity via a test utilized on NASA recruits. An astonishing 98% of…
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During our nutrition discussions in the back pit, I frequently hear about friends, family members, coworkers, and others consistently pushing those around them—particularly those individuals trying to be healthy—to eat foods that will derail their health efforts. In a very…
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Why Isn’t There More Cancer?

Why Isn't There More Cancer?

As I sat there drinking my Topo Chico, I began reading a recent article in the NY Times. It was discussing the recent phenomena of an increased rate of cancer in our youth. Traditionally, cancers, and particularly those like colorectal…
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Embrace Discomfort – Don’t Be an Astronaut

embrace discomfort

Discomfort is required in life. It is as simple as that. If you try to avoid discomfort, you have already lost. Discomfort is the infinite game that we all must play if we wish to live a healthy and fulfilling…
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Winners Versus Losers

Winners and Losers

The Golden Girls is on USA network for the 1,350,318 time this week and you are jonesing to watch some (I’m not sure if the USA network even exists anymore as we do not have cable nor a TV in…
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Well, the Medical Guidelines Say… Dealing with “Consensus” Guidelines in 2023

The worst 4 words you can hear coming out of your doctor’s mouth are “well, the guidelines say…” Actually, “the consensus guidelines say” may be even worse. What this is code for is, we do not have data, so I…
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Embracing Silence and Growing Up

While we have never had a television in our home, we did have WiFi internet. We (OK, I) decided to get rid of this and replace it with wired ethernet in our two home offices. This small change had rather…
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Beauty, Creativity, and Questioning


Whether we are planning our garden for next spring, laying a stone wall in our yard, or writing our next exercise program, or even putting together that annoying power point for our office incarceration—uh, I mean job—we not only require…
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Ignore the Squirrels

Ignore the Squirrels

We were spending some time at a good friend’s beautiful pool this month. It is an absolutely stunning pool with a slate deck, blue tile pool, and a couple statues around it. It is surrounding by massive century-old trees that…
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