Blog Posts

Keeping your mind large and your world small – Avoid drinking from the wrong fire hydrant


With the spread of the Internet’s reach, along with the infestation of social media and political entertainment masquerading as news, there is no limit to how wide our world, or at least our view of the world, has become. The…
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Avoiding Envy and Mimicking the Masters


Not too long ago, we talked about avoiding the ugliness in the world. We will come back to that in a minute, but I would ask you to pause and think about all those amazing people in your life: those…
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Stop Wearing Hokas


There is a strange new phenomena of people wearing these shoes that look like they stepped in half-melted marshmallow and then let it harden and replace the sole of their shoes. These ultra-padded shoes are also apparently frequently recommended by…
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Keeping It Simple

I was putting Aurelia to bed the other night and quickly fell into our typical pattern. She told me to get in bed, read her a book, but only after I get under the covers. I began to read her…
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Ignoring the Naysayers to Preserve Your Health

Ignore the Naysayers

I recently had to write a doctor’s letter to my sister’s school to allow them to feed my nephew whole fat milk, instead of the sugar water formerly known as skim milk that the school (and the amazingly-terrible-at-nutritional-scratch-that-any-lifestyle-recommendation US government)…
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Exercise is Medicine Except when Prescribed by Medical Personnel – Don’t Just Check The Box

The Moving Through Cancer campaign, sponsored by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Cancer Society, recently published their exercise recommendations for individuals with cancer. The “Guide to Getting and Staying Active During Cancer Treatment” is their…
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Working with Your Hands to Sculpt Your Life

Sculpting our life

I spent some time plastering my bathroom redo this weekend. You have now heard from me at least 1,245 times about my love of Italy, stone walls and buildings, statues, and architecture, and how strongly I feel that beauty is…
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Turning Negatives into Life-Changers

Changes in Body Composition

The above graphic is from a patient of mine (there is no personal or identifiable info here, so don’t worry HIPPA). I met her after she was diagnosed with an early stage breast cancer. She underwent lumpectomy and removal of…
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No, Insurance Should Not Pay for “Exercise”

insurance should not pay for exercise

We live in a time of relativism. We like to use words without meaning, and tear away meaning from words that have it. Academia, the learned gods peering down from their ivory tower seem to be the largest paradoxical perpetrators,…
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