Blog Posts

Being Real to Ourselves for Our Health – It’s What You Do, Not What You Say


“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain Being Real to Ourselves for Our Health Nothing could be worse for us than not doing what we say. It creates an inner discomfort, and not…
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Embrace Discomfort for Your Health

The news tells us of constant murders, car crashes, covid deaths, terrorism, you name it. Yet, statistics tell us something entirely different – the biggest threat is us. Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, alcoholism, and many other major threats to our…
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December Newsletter – Eliminating Fear for the New Year

  Catching Sleep in 2021   During the holidays we watched a lot of Christmas movies, from It’s a Wonderful Like to Die Hard (yes, the latter is a Christmas movie and an awesome one at that). Despite the lack…
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Dietary Recommendations – Burn Them Down!

In 1955 the Pruitt-Igoe projects opened in St. Louis as a solution to crowding in the downtown. The architect of the project was Minoru Yamasaki, who would later design the World Trade Center buildings in New York City. Minoru, much…
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Conquering Ugliness in the World


There is an ugliness in the world. It is spreading in our communities, workplaces, our online sites, our news sources, and, of course, social media – in fact, it is fueled by social media. This ugliness is preceded by intense…
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Be Healthy for Others

be healthy for others

In this current self-serving world, mental and physical health has taken center stage via the barrage of biohackers, self-improvement experts, and other self-help gurus constantly tell us the importance of improving ourselves. I am not trying to diminish this message,…
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Seeing Like a State and The Issues with Top-Down Dietary Recommendations

seeing like a state

We zig-zagged up the steep terrain as the road undulated up and down and sharply cut side to side. We were nearing the end of our several hour drive through countless olive fields in the Basilicata region of Italy after…
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Nutritional Orthodoxy: When Science Becomes a Belief System

nutritional orthodoxy

On April 26, 1478 Lorenzo de’ Medici and his brother Giuliano strode into the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore, underneath the massive and beautiful Duomo of Florence. Navigating to their typical pew, the brothers sat down to participate in…
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My Meals and Workouts for a Week

Many of my newsletter readers and several of my work colleagues have asked me to write up my workouts and food for the week. I added in when I go to bed and wake up, as this affects my workouts,…
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Reacting to Obesity is a Flawed Strategy

A recent systematic review and meta-analysis assessed the available literature on the efficacy of layperson-led versus professional-led behavioral interventions attempting to promote weight loss in children.1 The assessment included 78 randomized clinical trials of 5780 participants whom were followed for…
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