Blog Posts

September Newsletter – Making It Local

Making It Local At some point over the past several years I got lazy. In residency, which was the second busiest time in my life, most of my food was acquired from local markets, local farmers, and the amazing Reading…
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Cancer Nutrition Research Needs Some Vitamin C

The son of an English merchant and, himself a surgeon, James Lind must have wondered how he ended up being tossed around on the HMS Salisbury just off the coast of France. After entering his medical apprenticeship in 1731, Lind…
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August Newsletter – Working with our Hands and Acquiring Some Skills

Working with our Hands and Acquiring Some Skills I was unemployed for the latter half of this month, as I stopped working in mid-July. I spent the past two weeks reading books, working out, and spending the bulk of my time…
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Consumerism and Health: Big Houses, Big Cars, Big Waistlines, Big Anxiety, Little Health

consumerism and health

In James Suzman’s book Affluence without Abundance, he chronicles the history and ultimate decline of the world’s modern hunter gatherers due to western expansion into Africa. Suzman is apt to write this depiction, as he has been spending significant time…
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Breast Cancer and Fat – The Revisionist History of the Women’s Health Initiative

dietary fat and breast cancer

Key Points: The Women’s Health Initiative was a massive effort to test and assess an array of lifestyle recommendations in women. A major goal was to assess the effect of a low-fat, high fruit and vegetable, and high grain diet…
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The Manchurian Cell – The Relationship Between Fat and Cancer and Why Muscle Matters

In 2013, a scientific report on fat and cancer baffled scientists and physicians. A usual, the nightly news had a field day with the findings. A massive analysis of all available studies assessing weight status and survival revealed that being…
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We are Not Lesser Beasts (of the Workplace)

lesser beasts

The sun poked through my bedroom window for nearly two hours by this point, filling the room with light, and supplying my reading light. I was enjoying my favorite single batch, shade-grown coffee from the Dominican Republic. As usual, it…
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How to Find the Healthiest Real Olive Oil – Caveat Emptor

olive oil

Leonardo had spent all afternoon picking ripe olives from the hillside overlooking San Lorenzo Bellizzi along the northern border of Calabria. He now found himself helping his father loading the freshly picked fruit below his stone mill grinding wheel, crushing…
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Cancel Your Cable This Christmas

It has been over ten years now. It was a difficult decision at first and all I wanted to do was get more as soon as I stopped. I found myself talking about it incessantly with other addicts at work…
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The Mediterranean Ketogenic Lifestyle

Many of us have been promoting a ketogenic diet for years – and that includes both strict and continual ketosis, or the often-preferable low carb diet that fluctuates through intermittent states of ketosis. Initially people like Jeff Volek were laughed…
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