Blog Posts

My Anti-Cancer Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is that time of the year where we pause to be thankful – thankful for our friends, thankful for our family and, hopefully, thankful for our health. But it is also the beginning of a time of the year…
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Six Rules for Choosing Healthy Chocolate

As a health nut and low-carb advocate, and strong proponent of bitter foods to maximize my health and help prevent cancer, I turn to chocolate as my number one dessert. If selected properly, dark chocolate provides a plethora of health…
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The Ketogenic Diet: Making It Difficult for Cancer to Latch On?

Adrienne Scheck, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist at Phoenix Children’s Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona is one of the most prolific researchers when it comes to brain cancer and the ketogenic diet (AND, she is an amazing person). As a radiation oncologist…
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A Basic Lifestyle Guide after Breast Cancer Treatment

breast cancer and sugar

A Basic Lifestyle Guide after Breast Cancer Treatment By Colin E. Champ, M.D.   Breast cancer continues to be the most common non-skin cancer in women, with one in eight experiencing a diagnosis at some point in their life. Risk…
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Are You Living an Intentional Lifestyle?

An unfortunate phenomenon has made its way through our society over the past several decades, fueled in a large part by my colleagues in the medical world, big business’s thirst for profits, and big agriculture’s ploy to dump their excess…
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Meat, Dairy, Eggs, and Cancer: Quality over Quantity

animal foods and cancer

Author’s Note: Some of this article contains excerpted passages from within my new book, which should be released in the near future. Some of the topics were kept brief as they will be explored more deeply in the book. Meat,…
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Artificial Sweeteners – This is Your Brain on Drugs

artificial sweeteners

Back in the 80’s, I spent my days at school, playing in the yard and woods, fighting with my brother over baseball cards, and watching Thundercats and GI Joe. While doing the latter, every once in a while, the famous…
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Is Your Office Giving You Cancer? Then Fight It

office cancer

  Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage” -The Smashing Pumpkins, 1995   I read a recent study from my office – a windowless room in the basement of a hospital in Pittsburgh. In…
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Cured Meat and Cancer: Can We Eat It and Still Preserve Our Health?

Flies were swarming throughout the shop as temperatures raced into the upper nineties. Forty-pound wheels of cheese sat behind the glass and under the counter, extracting whatever cool air they could from the refrigerated enclosure. We ordered a half pound…
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Got Cancer? Keep Moving: Cancer and Exercise

cancer and exercise

A cancer diagnosis can be emotionally crippling, and the treatment that follows can be even more crippling, both physically and emotionally. Along these lines, cancer patients are often told to hold off on activity during and after treatment so they…
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