I recently had to write a doctor’s letter to my sister’s school to allow them to feed my nephew whole fat milk, instead of the sugar water formerly known as skim milk that the school (and the amazingly-terrible-at-nutritional-scratch-that-any-lifestyle-recommendation US government) mandate for their students. Sorry for putting this out there Chelsey, but since you recently moved halfway across the state they can’t retaliate against you (plus, it’s just us in here reading this and we can keep a secret). Adding insult to injury is the fact that government recommendations for children allow for flavored and chocolate milk, but not whole milk. As a side note: for those of you that still follow any nutritional recommendations from these bench-warmers, please reconsider your life actions.
OK, back to some sanity here. So, while children grow and thrive on breast milk after birth and for the first part of their life (let’s be honest, this was most likely for years and years for 99.999% of humanity), they then magically switch to skim milk, which is 12g pure sugar, 8 grams of protein, and no fat per serving size (1 cup). That is 60% sugar based on calories. I will repeat, that is 60% sugar!! It is no surprise to anyone (probably not even the recommendation creators) that children that consume low-fat foods are generally heavier with metabolic dysfunction, and we are experiencing an epidemic of type 2 diabetes in children.
And we wonder why some little kids are already starting to look like Sherman from the Nutty Professor. I would certainly have had diabetes and double the waist size if I followed a diet like that, yet, in 2023 I have to write an official doctor’s prescription to not eat that diet. According to the Mayo Clinic, childhood obesity is from “too little activity and too many calories.” In other words, parents, it is your fault. Your kids are lazy and you feed them too much. Now shut up while we give them sugar water all day long at school while you are at work.
I know what you are thinking—Champ was a crab in his last article about exercise and man I bet his kids’ teachers hate him. Well, the joke is on you because this article is all about the positive!) And my mom was a teacher and she loves me in place of all those other teachers.)
As Plato once said, “those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” The fact that our government made some incredibly erroneous nutrition recommendations fifty years ago is one thing, the fact that these insane recommendations continue to perpetuate—let alone for our children—is pure insanity. If you are sleeping 8 hours a night, lifting heavy weights, following a healthy lifestyle, eating real foods full of real vitamins and nutrients, and pushing to be your best and most beautiful, congratulations. You are in the driver’s seat. Ignore the naysayers. Keep pushing above and do not be happy with simply checking the box.
And most of all, ignore the naysayers. Ignore those individuals that try to keep you down, and surround yourself with those motivational individuals. The ones that pick you up, keep you going, congratulate you when you succeed, and wish to learn from you as opposed to envy you and tear you down.
There are lots of people and forces out there trying to cram skim milk down your throat and then tell you, you eat too much and are lazy. And when you go against them, they say you are odd, difficult, or a crab.
They are the crazy ones, whether they need a doctor’s letter or prescription to come to that realization or not. Keep pushing ahead and leave the naysayers in the dust.
*Image above by FreepiK
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