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Choosing Your Cheese – Episode 5


In this episode, I discuss what I look for in a healthy and delicious cheese. I cover everything from pasteurization and aging, to the benefits of cheese from grass-fed cows, and even cows that graze on mountains. Enjoy! Choosing Your…
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Do Dogs Make You Healthier?

Do dogs make you healthier?

With good weather, I find myself walking our dog before and after work on many days. During these walks, I often contemplate how much owning a dog may be improving my health, and how it may affect others’ health. As…
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IGF-1 and Cancer – The Double-Edged Sword of Health


Before we dig into the article on IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor, let’s touch upon a couple issues. IGF-1 is an extremely complicated topic, paralleled by the fact that a simple Google search will inform you that it will cause…
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The Bitter Benefits of Bold Red Wine – Episode 4

red wine health benefits

In  this episode, I discuss what makes bitter wines taste so bitter and why this may actually be where we find the greatest health benefits. Sit back, reach for a bold red, and enjoy! The Bitter Benefits of Bold Red…
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Cooking Oils and Cancer – Episode 3

Colin Champ Video Series, ketogenic diet, cancer

In  this episode, I discuss the chemical structure of fats and oils and explain why this matters when it comes to cancer. I end the talk by listing the oils I use and why. This information was discussed at length…
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Stress and Cancer – It’s Bad, But Not All Bad

Several years ago, I was self-experimenting with different dietary attempts to lower my blood sugar and raise my ketones, the energy source that our liver makes when our blood sugar drops. This study had nothing to do with stress and…
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Dietary Fat and Breast Cancer – The Link That Never Existed

dietary fat and breast cancer

After the fallout of the lipid hypothesis and creation of the Food Pyramid and Standard American Diet (SAD), anti-fat sentiment picked up speed and began spreading virally throughout the medical field. Dietary fat was reluctantly, but quickly, gaining a reputation…
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Sprouts and Cancer – Sulfur, Stress, and Fighting Cancer with Food

I have been growing my own sprouts for the past several years for a couple reasons. As I’ll explain below, they are a healthy cancer-fighting plant that trains our immune system to battle foreign invaders. Secondly, they are quite possibly…
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Eat Less, Exercise More and Bad Advice for Cancer Patients

Eat Less, Exercise more 2

More studies continue to surface showing that cancer patients have a lower risk of their disease coming back if they remain metabolically healthy – i.e. keep off the excess fat, keep blood sugar levels normal, and keep muscles adequately stimulated.1 As a…
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Muscles Fight Cancer – The Science Behind Outmuscling Cancer

muscles cancer

Several years back a scientific article revealed that those of us with high “muscular strength” have a lower risk of becoming a victim to cancer – a 40% lower risk to be exact.1 After assessment of almost 9,000 men aged…
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