Books I Like
The following recommendations are some of the books that have changed my thinking, and therefore, changed my health and life. The books range in topics, but are all thought-provoking reads that I also found enjoyable.

Lesser Beasts: A Snout-to-Tail History of the Humble Pig
by Mark Essig
Essig provides a thorough history of the world’s most loved and hated animal, and in doing so, exposes the biases that go into our views of different sources of food. This is a must read by anyone who enjoys food history. Available at Amazon.

Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil
by Tom Mueller
Mueller provides an eye-opening look at the elixir of life known as olive oil. As one of the most commonly recommended health foods, this is a must read for, well, everyone. Available on Amazon.

Butter: A Rich History
by Elaine Khosrova
A must read on one of the greatest cooking substance known to mankind. Butter, rich with healthy fats and nutrients, has gone from cooking’s fan favorite to the whipping boy of modern health recommendations. Read why they are wrong and well-made butter is amazing. Available on Amazon.

The Psychology of Overeating: Food and the Culture of Consumerism
by Kima Cargill
Kima Cargill, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, proves a must-read analysis of the impact consumerism has on our health and the current obesity crises. The connection is uncanny and must be considered as we approach ways to improve our health. Available at Amazon.

Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Modern Medical Breakthroughs
by Morton A. Meyers, M.D.
Dr. Meyers takes us though a rapid and eye-opening tour of the history of modern medicine. This book will make the strongest advocate question the current state of medical research and the push against creative thinking and problem solving. Available at Amazon.

Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health
by Gary Taubes
Taubes’ original mammoth book questions the current state of affairs when it comes to diet and nutrition. This must-read book provides a great narrative of how we ended up with the food pyramid and epic levels of obesity in the U.S. Available at Amazon.

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living
by Drs. Jeff S. Volek and Stephen S. Phinney
One of the first books to relay the science behind the benefits of lowering carbohydrates within the diet. Drs. Volek and Phinney provide an interesting read backed by much credible science with many studies referenced. An excellent primer for anyone interested in health and nutrition. Available at Amazon.

The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less
by Barry Schwartz
In a society that bombards us with too much choice, Barry Schwartz provides countless studies reminding us that being happy with our choices may leave us happier overall. A must read for everyone. Available at Amazon.

Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study
by George E. Valliant
Dr. Valliant’s “report” on the 268 Harvard students that were followed until age 91. Some are still being followed, but this study may be the most important study of life, health, and happiness ever performed. What’s not to like about an entertaining book on the largest study on happiness? Available at Amazon.

Shantaram: A Novel
by Gregory David Roberts
A great read of an epic journey. I am still not sure how much of this book is fiction or true, but it has love, war, the Calcutta slums, and is hard to put down. A very thought-provoking read that is one of the best books I have ever read. Available at Amazon.

Finite and Infinite Games
by James P. Carse
In his masterpiece, James Carse unswervingly explains why we need to strive for infinite games in our lives and ignore the finite games that harm our health and happiness. The chapters are short and sweet but full of thought-provoking writing. Available at Amazon.

Affluence Without Abundance: What We Can Learn from the World’s Most Successful Civilisation
by James Suzman
This book made me dig deep inside of my habits and question my day-to-day and what really is necessary in my life for health and happiness. I would strongly recommend giving it a read and applying some of the ways of the Ju’/hoansi Bushmen to your daily life. I found the information as life-changing. Also, with the bushman society all but destroyed, it is unlikely many other books like this will be written. . Available at Amazon.

by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Antifragile is the ultimate manual for turning those “negative” occurrences in life into positive ones that allow us to grow stronger. From health to our careers, Antifragile is a compelling read that will make the reader question many aspects of modern society that are considered commonplace. There are so many reasons to like this book, from his unapologetic writing style to the underlying theme that stoically promoted turning negatives into positives. Available at Amazon.

The Dream of Reason: A History of Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance
by Anthony Gottlieb
While the times have changed greatly, the basic questions that philosophers have been asking for thousands of years have not. This book is an interesting whirlwind tour through the greatest philosophers, giving the reader a taste of many of the different schools from Aristotle and beyond. Available at Amazon.

The War of Art
by Steven Pressfield
Short and sweet and a quick read. A wakeup call to accept our challenges in life and be our best. A reminder to ignore the hierarchy in life set up by modern society and instead excel in our own territory to provide humanity our biggest gifts. Available at Amazon.

The Food Explorer: The True Adventures of the Globe-Trotting Botanist Who Transformed What America Eats
by Daniel Stone
A highly entertaining and educational book on the history of our food and vegetables. Did you know that most were were imported by food spy David Fairchild? He snuck citrons out of Sicily and hops out of Bavaria, leaving an amazing story to be told. Available at Amazon.

John Adams
by David McCullough
Adams was cantankerous, but intelligent, and knew when he needed help from his main adviser, his wife. A great read by Pittsburgh native David McCullough that highlights Adams’ journal through life. A very motivational read as well. Available at Amazon.

by Marcus Aurelius
As one of the most well-known Stoic philosophers, Marcus Aurelius’ tour de force provides the reader with innumerable thought-provoking examples of how to approach life and the hardships it can often provide. It was the diary and lessons of one of the world’s greatest rulers at our fingertips. Available at Amazon.

Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
by Walter Isaacson
Franklin was one of our country’s most creative and ingenious founders. While any book telling his story should be a good read, this one seems to be the best. It imparts many daily habits for the reader that are still applicable today. Available at Amazon.

Thomas Jefferson: A Life
by William Sterne Randall
Much like Franklin, it is hard to make Jefferson’s life sound anything but exceptional. His educational process through childhood and beyond is perhaps most interesting. The master inventor and tinkerer, this book made me thoroughly evaluate my learning techniques and the application of science and philosophy in my daily life. Available at Amazon.

Andrew Carnegie
by David Nasaw
I am a little biased on this one as I am born and raised in Pittsburgh, but this very long read (896 pages!). While Carnegie had his issues, reading about a man as “successful” in business and later writing was fascinating and stimulated much thought towards approaching life and success and the often incorrect definition of both. Available at Amazon.

Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope
by Johann Hari
As a physician, approaching how to deal with depression is a topic often on my mind. Hari successful navigates the inconsistencies with how we often approach depression and how our society may want to start incorporating socializing efforts from the past to make our future a happier one. Available at Amazon.

An Edible History of Humanity
by Tom Standage
Knowledge of the history of food is required reading material for anyone interested in food, diet, and health. Standage does a great job of traversing the history of food for a short and interesting read. Available at Amazon.

The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming
by Masanobu Fukuoka
A beautiful read on the harmony of nature and farming, along with the philosophy that links the two. Available at Amazon.

The Samurai’s Garden
by Gail Tsukiyama
This fiction is tangential to the rest of the list, but this book is a gem – a read in a day kind of book that is an enjoyable and thoughtful read. Available at Amazon.

Misguided Medicine: Second Edition: The truth behind ill-advised medical recommendations and how to take health back into your hands Second Edition
by Colin Champ
Hey, it’s my book and this is my website. I have been told this book is life-changing, and I sure hope so! Available at Amazon.
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